Friday, 4 March 2016

Tribal Longhorns: Troop Alpha

First forays into multi-basing

After displaying in the first post the Tribal Spears that I worked on a fair while ago whilst this army was in its WFB incarnation, I felt it about time to show the next unit for the Brutocracy. 
This unit is one of the 'new breed' that I've worked on since taking up KoW and as such takes advantage of the unit basing.

The unit is question is a Troop of Tribal Longhorns. Hard hitting with the ability to take a punch, several troops of them will form the backbone of my army and so I wanted something that reflected this miniature-wise. 
(Image from

Given the number of miniatures I intended to use across the army, the base figure needed to be pretty easy to get hold of in large numbers without being too costly. I also wanted them to be pretty hefty looking thus befitting their CS1 and TC1. Finally they'd need to be readily adaptable to match my Ancient Greek theme but also have a clear element of beastliness about them.
The answer for the base miniature seemed pretty obvious - GW Gors. They ticked all of the boxes above and through a judicious eBay purchase I was able to pick up 30 of them that were already built and undercoated (yay timesaving!)

The main question though was how to bring them into line with my army's look and theme. The answer came to me relatively quickly. A head swap. Whereas the lesser members of the Brutocracy, the Tribal Spears, were human-bodied and beast-headed, the Tribal Longhorns would be the opposite.

I got to work removing the goat heads from my new Longhorns and started trialling different options. Initially I planned to use GW Chaos Marauder heads, trimming the horns off to create a more Corinthian looking helmet:
(Image from

However, these heads turned out to be too small for the Gors beefy frame. I certainly didn't want my Tribal Longhorns to be pinheads, not when they were supposed to be the cream of the herd!

It was clear therefore that I'd need to look further afield for some Greek-style helmets of a large enough size to fit my now headless Longhorns. 
Having purchased from them in the past, I seemed to recall Maxmini producing something of this ilk that I'd seen people using on Space Marines. If it fitted a Space Marine it would surely be big enough for a GW Gor model. 
(Image from:

After a bit of searching on t'internet I managed to come across some pics that gave me a decent idea of scale and I took the plunge, ordering enough to equip all my planned Troops. 
It was with baited breath that I awaited their arrival, unpacked them and finally got to blue-tac one in place... It worked! The scale was just about spot on for what I was after, much to my relief.

One thing I didn't like though, was the large crests. These Longhorns are not ones for unnecessary frippary and the majority of them were summarily snipped off. I did however keep enough of the transverse crested ones untrimmed so that each Troop could have an easily identifiable leader model.

With the bodies and heads in place, it was a simple matter of adding on some plastic hoplite shields, leftover from the Victrix Hoplites box I'd part used on the Tribal Spears unit. The same Veni Vidi Vici transfers would also help tie the army together. 
The only other changes made, were to try and equip all the Longhorns with swords, which just seemed more fitting for an Ancient-Greek theme than big axes and the like.

So, here you have it, Tribal Longhorns Troop 1:

Paint-scheme was easy to come up with and is clearly inspired by the Spartan 300 look. Red cloth, black hair/fur, skintone flesh and bronze metal across the board. 
I set them up in a slight arrowhead formation, with the leader commanding from the relative safety of the rear.

One troop down, three more to go...