Thursday 19 January 2017

Tribal Longhorns: Troops Beta & Gamma

There's been a rather long hiatus in terms of progress with the Brutocracy. I shall freely admit to having had my head turned by other armies (Forces of Nature and Twilight Kin to name but two). However despite this negligible progress on the Herd front, I have made the rather rash decision to take the Brutocracy to my first ever KoW tournament (Tides of War in Bristol).
This gives me a mere 3 and a half weeks now to get the rest of the army painted up...

Thankfully however, I have made some headway in this regard and plan to continue to update this blog with my progress over the next few weeks of frantic painting as I complete units.

First up are the other two troops of Tribal Longhorns.

Nothing much to say about these guys in terms of miniature, modelling and paint colour choices that I haven't already covered in the previous post about the Alpha Troop.
(GW Gor miniatures with Maxmini heads)

First up is Beta Troop.

On setting this unit up for the pics I noticed  the longhorn on the very left had lost his sword (good job it wasn't his shield he'd lost. That would be unforgivable for a hoplite!) Hence the hasty, unpainted replacement. The presence of such a shocking piece of grey plastic has thankfully now been rectified.

 And also completed now is Gamma Troop.

Gamma Troop is currently only 7 strong compared with Alpha and Beta Troops and this was initially down to the models that I had available. There is space to add another Longhorn in the rear right of the unit, next to the one with the raised shield and I have rustled up a couple of spare miniatures. At some point Gamma Troop will get an additional reinforcement (FNG ;) ).

Also you can see that Gamma Troop includes the banner bearer for the Longhorns and that initially I was going to paint the banners a deep red, to match the main spot colour of the rest of the army.
However I am now contemplating whether to try something a bit different for my banners and paint them up in the style of Ancient Greek black figure pottery. 
Something akin to this:
(image taken from

I have a dim and distant memory of somebody using this technique for the banners of their converted Amazon army (possible a Warhammer Wood Elf one?) but can no longer find the link for it.

Banners like this, however, would be a significant step up for my limited artistic skills and would very much be a long term plan. Right now I just need to get the army painted up! :p

More updates should follow soon as stuff hits the painting tables!


  1. Hello!

    Great to see that the blog is being updated and I hope it is the sign of the more regular process in the near future!

    The units look absolutely amazing, some really great ideas and I am sure it will be a great pleasure to play against this army.

    Hopefully, I will be lucky to play against it on UB and I will enjoy visual effects with more updates.


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